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Answer the question:

What is the colour of the sky?

  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Green

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400 🎫
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NameTicket Number
Louiss Cattell445
Wendy Edgar451
Georgia Reed458
Carole Jacklin461
Carole Jacklin462
Kim Wiltshire463
Annette Metters470
Coral Russell479
Laura Vear481
Kez Lowe482
Karen Teeters491
Carole Jacklin492
Josie Hutchinson494
Kim Wiltshire496
Cherrylyne Stubbs497
Louiss Cattell498
Julie Cheetham501
Daniel Marsh503
Karina Brooks504
Rebecca Barr514
Byron Carlton529
Kez Lowe535
Louiss Cattell537
Denise Schrimshaw539
Josie Hutchinson540
James Salt541
Carla Armstrong542
Jill Isle546
Louise Pawson552
Suzi Neilson554
Hayley Maltby558
Maryl Chambers559
Carla Armstrong563
Deborah Ross565
Louiss Cattell567
Kez Lowe570
Byron Carlton577
Byron Carlton578
Carole Jacklin582
Lara Clover584
John Aston589
Ann Panton591
Kez Lowe596
Carole Jacklin602
Carole Jacklin604
Louiss Cattell605
Rosie Evison608
James Salt609
Julie Cheetham611
John Aston613
Ann Panton624
Louiss Cattell626
Ann Panton627
Carole Jacklin631
Laura Swales640
Carole Jacklin643
Carole Jacklin646
Kez Lowe649
Ann Panton656
Suzi Neilson664
Suzi Neilson669
Jason Wright672
Carole Jacklin678
Kez Lowe680
Carole Jacklin685
Jason Wright688
Cassie Bennett691
Linda Wilkinson700
Karina Brooks711
Karla Burrows712
Suzi Neilson713
James Salt716
Jason Wright719
Laura Swales727
Hayley Pearson728
Ann Panton741
Jill Isle745
James Salt748
Louiss Cattell753
Ann Panton756
Katie Atkin757
Lee Storer760
Carole Jacklin761
Jill Isle763
Jill Isle764
Ann Panton766
Louiss Cattell773
Kez Lowe779
Daniel Marsh786
Carole Jacklin793
Carole Jacklin797
Carole Jacklin798
Shannon Magill799
Louiss Cattell807
Chloe Firth810
Jill Isle811
Peter Nota812
Carole Jacklin816
Suzi Neilson822
Carol Pennell823