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1KG Mini Eggs


🥇1 Winner

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Answer the question:

What is the colour of the sky?

  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Green

28% Tickets Sold
1kg Mini Eggs Mega Giant Sharing Bag

Tickets Available 🔥

5000 🎟️

Max Tickets Per User 🔥

500 🎫
Competition ends TOMORROW! 🔥
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0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds


Competitions for UK Residents 18+.
If the Competition SELLS OUT before it’s END DATE AND TIME it MAY be drawn earlier.
You can view all our WINNERS –

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For information relating to free entries, please click here.
NameTicket Number
Mandy Williams😍1
Annette Metters6
Leah Towse21
Kim Burbanks31
Karina Margarson37
Melissa Porter42
Michala Davies45
Kim Burbanks46
Maria Spence50
Annette Metters58
Kim Burbanks59
Suzi Neilson69
Karina Margarson71
Annette Metters73
Kim Burbanks75
Annette Metters79
Annette Metters80
Kim Burbanks81
Kim Burbanks85
Kim Burbanks87
Kim Burbanks89
Kim Burbanks90
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪91
Annette Metters100
Karina Margarson104
Annette Metters105
Mandy Williams😍110
Kim Burbanks115
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪116
Kim Burbanks120
Suzi Neilson126
Amanda Vines127
Karina Margarson132
Kim Burbanks134
Maria Spence143
Kim Burbanks149
Karina Margarson150
Annette Metters152
Leah Towse153
Suzi Neilson154
Amanda Vines160
Tom Johnson163
Kim Burbanks167
Michala Davies169
Maria Spence170
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪171
Annette Metters177
Karina Margarson178
Annette Metters181
Annette Metters189
Annette Metters191
Annette Metters193
Leah Towse199
Amanda Vines208
Suzi Neilson214
Suzi Neilson215
Kim Burbanks220
Leah Towse224
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪225
Maria Spence226
Suzi Neilson230
Suzi Neilson231
Leah Towse234
Kim Burbanks236
Leah Towse243
Suzi Neilson247
Tom Johnson250
Karina Margarson251
Maria Spence259
Suzi Neilson262
Suzi Neilson265
Suzi Neilson269
Leah Towse277
Mandy Williams😍280
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪283
Maria Spence286
Kim Burbanks294
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪295
Maria Spence297
Annette Metters300
Suzi Neilson315
Suzi Neilson317
Julie Heywood318
Leah Towse319
Kim Burbanks320
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪321
Kim Burbanks323
Maria Spence325
Suzi Neilson338
Annette Metters339
Kim Burbanks341
Leah Towse344
Kim Burbanks347
Karina Margarson350
Chris Sheppard 🚚🏪351
Leah Towse359
Kim Burbanks368
Suzi Neilson369
Mandy Williams😍370
Suzi Neilson371