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I have been eating stock at work now for the past 8 years for both breakfast and dinner probably saved myself thousands in shopping

I walk the same route home every day from work, it's not the shortest route but, I get to walk past our old family home which is the last place I saw my mother

I've been wearing my boyfriend's hoodie around the house I went to give it back to him last night, he said hat's not my hoodie? Then clicked on l've been wearing the builder's hoodie lmaoo wtf

I know my wife is cheating on me but I don't care because I get two hours peace when she goes to the 'gym'

One night late at the office I popped in to get some paperwork. Whilst I was there I heard some grunting in a cupboard, I opened it and saw the IT guy in there with his man in his hand. He wasn't the prettiest and it wasn't the biggest but he was a very kind man. I finished him off without saying anything and left. We never spoke about this ever.

Someone I know is committing fraud and I know they'll get away with it.

My dog died and we had her cremated. My husband bought this god ugly urn for her ashes. I detested it that much I scraped the ashes out the log burner and mixed it with flour and plaster of Paris and put them in it. He thinks these are the dogs ashes 🤣

I work at a large company, during covid everyone ended up working from home. over time i've been forgotten about but they're still paying me and no one has checked on me at all.

When I was younger I didn't like my mother so I used to spit in her tea thinking it would kill her. I was only about 7/8 at the time.

So my confession is when I got with my now husband after we had been together a few months his ex had messaged him out the blue asking for some of her DVDs back she left at the house and one of the two garden chairs. My now husband being the kind man he is agrees. Little does he know I scratched all the dvds and left notes on them for her after her being such a nasty individual during what should have been an amicable breakup 😂

Told work I have IBS. I don't, I just miss my dog so much when im at work that I often check in on him on the doggy cam. I'm not allowed my phone out at work.

at a mates house back in the day, I was drunk so pissed in a lucozade bottle. When I got up the next morning I noticed the bottle had gone. It was on his bedside table and he had been drinking it

I have a friend, they think we're best mates but in reality I cannot stand them.

After I left my parents house they told me I left a Vibrator behind so they binned it 😢

I have been saving up in an account my wife does not know about, I have around £8,000 now and I can't spend it.

I booked a holiday to Euro Disney when my children were very young. The night before, I realised all their passports were out of date. Not wanting to disappoint them, I went for it anyway and got through customs this end and once again on Eurostar. Got through customs the French end too, even though they seemed to meticulously check passports and searched my children's faces. Told my friend the night before we returned about the passports. She was absolutely bricking it, but we got on the Eurostar again with no problem, and once again they checked the passports on the train and obviously on arriving back in London. I can't believe that they checked so many times but not at any time did they realise they were expired. God, I had 'balls' then.

At Secondary School I got court wanking off a boy by the headmaster

I once thought my son had chocolate spread on his leg so I licked it off, it wasn't.

I actually tried to find Grays Only Fans so I could strum myself off

I dream about sleeping with my wifes best friend

My neighbours recently came to me and said there drains were blocked and back up with Poo 💩 after the joint effort between my next door neighbour and my neighbour from 2 doors down unlocking it with drain rods they came to me and said it was baby wipes that caused the problem 😫 I immediately said it was down to my daughter and her friends using the outside loo that day 🤔😫🤣 I'm a really bad person because I knew 100% I had a bad tummy that day and im the only one that uses baby wipes 😫 I was too embarrassed to confess so please don't judge 🙀

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